Problem: Many of us know "How to use VLOOKUP formula?" and are always troubled when we have more than 1 value in lookup column with the same name. Since VLOOKUP by default always return the value corresponding to first match.
Now you can use this user defined function to return Nth value in case of duplicate values.
1. Copy the following VLOOKUPN or HLOOKUPN as desired in a module.
2. Use these formulas as desired like this:(only for reference)
So, it will find second value of D1 in column A and return corresponding value from column C.
Now you can use this user defined function to return Nth value in case of duplicate values.
1. Copy the following VLOOKUPN or HLOOKUPN as desired in a module.
2. Use these formulas as desired like this:(only for reference)
So, it will find second value of D1 in column A and return corresponding value from column C.
Function VLOOKUPN(Lookup_Value As Variant, Table_Array As Range, _
Col_Index As Integer, Nth_value)
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nVal As Integer
Dim bFound As Boolean
VLOOKUPN = "Not Found"
With Table_Array
For nRow = 1 To .Rows.Count
If .Cells(nRow, 1).Value = Lookup_Value Then nVal = nVal + 1
If nVal = Nth_value Then
VLOOKUPN = .Cells(nRow, Col_Index).Text
Exit Function
End If
Next nRow
End With
End Function
Function HLOOKUPN(Lookup_Value As Variant, Table_Array As Range, _
Row_Index As Integer, Nth_value)
Dim nCol As Long
Dim nVal As Integer
Dim bFound As Boolean
HLOOKUPN = "Not Found"
With Table_Array
For nCol = 1 To .Columns.Count
If .Cells(1, nCol).Value = Lookup_Value Then nVal = nVal + 1
If nVal = nth_value Then
HLOOKUPN = .Cells(Row_Index, nCol).Text
Exit Function
End If
Next nCol
End With
End Function