Sort TCP/IP Address or Delimited Numbers

Are you a reporting analyst in IT firm, network engineer, networking analyst or any one who works on network data? If yes, then you ever tried to sort TCP/IP Addresses, I'm sure something like the red list in this figure, would have happened and you must have desired the green list. This is the issue of sorting with delimited numbers like 1.1.2,  1.1.1,  1.1.10 which results in 1.1.1,  1.1.10,  1.1.2.

Generally, computer and languages on which computers operate treat them as string literals and sorting are based on their ASCII character number. So, the solution is to normalize them, sort them and denormalize back in their original form.

This is how the given VBA macro works. Hope, you understand it easily and leave any questions for clarifications in the comments section.

Sub TCP_IP_Sort()
 Dim totalcells As Long, ix As Long 
 Dim p1 As Byte, p2 As Byte, p3 As Byte, px As Byte 
 Dim i1 As Byte, i2 As Byte, i3 As Byte, i4 As Byte 
 Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
 Application.DisplayAlerts = False
 On Error Resume Next
'Part 01 - Converts to form
 totalcells = Selection.count 
 For ix = 1 To totalcells  
  actualValue = Selection.Item(ix)  
  p1 = 0  
  p2 = 0  
  p3 = 0  
  For px = 2 To Len(actualValue)   
   If Mid(actualValue, px, 1) = "." Then    
    If p1 = 0 Then     
     p1 = px     
    ElseIf p2 = 0 Then 
                                        p2 = px     
    ElseIf p3 = 0 Then
                                        p3 = px     
    End If    
   End If
  Next px
  Selection.Item(ix).Value = Right("00000" & Mid(actualValue, 1, p1 - 1), 3) _
   & "." & Right("00000" & Mid(actualValue, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1), 3) _
   & "." & Right("00000" & Mid(actualValue, p2 + 1, p3 - p2 - 1), 3) _
   & "." & Right("00000" & Mid(actualValue, p3 + 1), 3)
 Next ix
'Part 02 - Sort the normalized form.
 Dim xlWbk As Workbook, xlSht As Worksheet, cRng As String
 Set xlWbk = ActiveWorkbook   
 Set xlSht = ActiveSheet 
 cRng = Selection.Cells.Address(0, 0)   
 xlSht.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range(cRng), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal   
 With xlSht.Sort    
  .SetRange Range(cRng)    
  .Header = xlGuess    
  .MatchCase = False    
  .Orientation = xlTopToBottom    
  .SortMethod = xlPinYin    
 End With
'Part 03 - Convert (normalized form) to (actual form)
 For ix = 1 To totalcells    
  actualValue = Selection.Item(ix)    
  p1 = 0    
  p2 = 0    
  p3 = 0    
  For px = 2 To Len(actualValue)     
   If Mid(actualValue, px, 1) = "." Then      
    If p1 = 0 Then       
     p1 = px       
    ElseIf p2 = 0 Then
     p2 = px  
    ElseIf p3 = 0 Then 
     p3 = px
    End If      
   End If     
  Next px     
  i1 = Mid(actualValue, 1, p1 - 1) + 0     
  i2 = Mid(actualValue, p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1) + 0     
  i3 = Mid(actualValue, p2 + 1, p3 - p2 - 1) + 0     
  i4 = Mid(actualValue, p3 + 1, Len(actualValue) - p3) + 0     
  Selection.Item(ix).Value = i1 & "." & i2 & "." & i3 & "." & i4     
 Next ix

 Application.ScreenUpdating = True     
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic     
 Application.DisplayAlerts = True     
 On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


Anonymous said… twenty one

when i filter this table
replacing like this; twenty one
PeugeotDude505 said…
Thanks for this! - big help
Anonymous said…
I have a table in sheet named Database and looks like this:

Column A has IP addresses other columns has other data relavant
to each of this IP addresses
row A is header.

IP Address Data1 Data2 Data3 Data(n) Computer IT Branch1

Question is: How to sort whole table by IPs (column A)?
That means that other columns data should move the whole raw with
IP address to the right position.
The lenght of raw is dynamic as different data is added to the raw
of each IP.
Anonymous said…
Perfect Solution I am looking for!!
Thanks a ton!!
Anonymous said…
I notice that if blank cells are selected as part of the range before this macro executes, they are still going through the process and ending up as How/where in the macro could I edit to leave those cells blank, or to not evaluate them if they are blank?
Anonymous said…
This works well, but a better example would include the ability to sort if the prefixes had a cidr notation as well. e.g. &

Can you do that?